Smart LifeStyle Television (Hospital Version) is a great tool to use in your hospital and clinics for patient education.
The most up to date information on health
Lifestyle information and education
Exercise and fitness
Cooking and nutrition
Public health classes direct from university classrooms
And much more!
In-hospital channel options include:
Customizing chanel with your hospital logo
Branding your hospital services and clinics on the bottom of the screen
Hospitals, clinics, apartment complexes, housing developments, prisons, etc., must also file an affiliate application.
invest in a one time purchase:
Digital play-out server
Logo and hospital branding insertion generator (call for a quote)
monthly service:
Channel licensing, $250.00 per building
To receive the hospital channel version (free of advertisement and entertainment) and redistribute throughout your in house television network, you will have to:
Click to download and email our affiliate application, or fill in the contact form below and a representative will get back to you.